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Screenshot 2023-12-28 18.39.10STEP - Supporting distance Training and Education in Prison

Coordinator: Lavorare Insieme Nella Comunità - Linc (IT)

Partners: Antigone Onlus (IT), Asociación de innovación formación y empleo para el desarrollo sostenible - Aifed (ES), Changes&Chances (NL), Fédération des associations Réflexion-Action, Prison et Justice - Farapej (FR), Associação para a Ação Educativa Cultural e Desportiva - Form2you (PT).

The project: STEP aims at enhancing the use of digital tools and distance learning in prisons, supporting educators and prison staff in acquiring adequate skills for the implementation of these tools. The project envisages the collection of European good practices of distance learning in prisons, the elaboration of guidelines and the implementation of ad hoc training for prison staff and civilian staff and for the civilian personnel working in penitentiaries.

Beginning: 01/06/2021

End: 31/05/2023

Funded by: Erasmus +






Lead Partner: Westdeutscher Handwerkskammertag -WHKT (DE)

Partners: Antigone Onlus (IT), Base - und Softballvereinigung Wassenberg 01 e.V. (DE), Club Life Long Learning (AT), Qualify Just – IT Solutions and Consulting LDA (PT), Scuola Costruzioni Vicenza Andrea Palladio (IT), Talentbrücke GmbH & Co.KG (DE), Linc Società Cooperative Sociale a responsabilità limitate Onlus (IT).
Project: NEXT STEPS aims to foster and support correctional institutions in the resocialization and reintegration of (former) prisoners into the labor market by developing a database to identify companies, volunteers and voluntary associations interested in working with correctional institutions in the future.
The project also includes the development of observation/assessment forms of inmates' social skills, useful both for more precise placement in the labor market and as an indicator of good performance to potential employers.

Start: 01/01/2022

End: 01/07/2024

Funded by: Erasmus +




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JUSTICE FOR ALL - Enhancing the Rights of Defendants and Detainees with Intellectual and/or Psychosocial Disabilities: EU Cross-Border Transfers, Detention and Alternatives


Lead Partner: Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft - BIM (AT)

Partners: NGO Mental Health Perspectives - PSP (LT), The Peace Institute - Institute for contemporary social and political studies - PI (SI), Antigone Onlus (IT), Fachhochschule Dortmund - FH Dortmund (DE), Bulgarian Helsinki Commitee - BHC (BG).

Project: JUSTICE FOR ALL focuses on defendants/detainees with intellectual and/or psychosocial disabilities and assesses the gaps, challenges and promising practices in the implementation and practical application of the european directives: 2002/584/JHA; 2008/909/JHA; 2008/947/JHA; 2009/829/JHA.
The overall objective is to promote judicial cooperation in criminal matters, strengthen mutual trust, and contribute to the effective, coherent and fundamental rights compliant application of the FDs.


End: 31/12/2022

Funded by: European Union’s Justice Programme e Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme








ARISA Child - Assessing the Risk of Isolation of Sentenced and Accused: Enhancing the Capacity of Correctional Services to Work with Convicted Children


Lead Partner: Center for the study of democracy - CSD (BG)

Partners: Kentro evropaikou syntagmatikou dikaio idryma themistokli kai Dimitri Tsatsou - CECL (EL), Antigone Onlus (IT), Universidad Miguel Hernandez De Elche - UMH (ES), Qualify Just - IT solutions and consulting LDA - IPS (PT).

Project: ARISA Child is aimed to increase the knowledge of the staff of correctional services on how to work with convicted children, respect their rights and address their special needs. This will be achieved by offering to prisons and probation services training and capacity building activities tailored to their needs.

Start: 01/11/2022

End: 30/04/2025

Funded by: European Union’s Justice Programme




PROTA – Prisoners Reintegration Opportunities and Training in Artificial Environments for Employment

Lead partner: Bucharest Rahova Penitentiary - Romania

Partners: Centrul Pentru Promovarea Invatarii Permanente (RO), Synthesis Center For Research And Education Limited (CY), Antigone (IT), Linc O.N.L.U.S. (IT), Kentro Epagelmatikis Katartisis Dias Epe (GR), Dieksodos Gia Tin Antieglimatiki Politiki To Sofronismo Kai Tin Epanentaksi (GR), Changes&Chances (NL).


Develop a Training Tool kit and guidelines for organisations supporting offenders and ex-offenders.

Promote individual support and guidance for adults in correctional settings to maximize personal potential and successful transition towards employment.

Design customized Learning & Development roadmaps for adults in and leaving correctional institutions

Develop diverse learning materials, including e-courses, webinars, face-to-face sessions, and VR games, to enhance key competencies and navigate career choices.


Start: 01/09/2022    

End: 28/02/2025    

Funded by: European Union’s Erasmus+ Programme