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Editorial rules

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The Author of each articole must produce an abstract (no more than 1,000 characters) followed by between 3 and up to a maximum of 5 keywords.

Paragraph titles must be enumerated and ordered without exceeding 3 subparagraph (e.g. 3.1; 3.2; 3.3).

Uses only the method of references to the bibliography at the end of the article when listing bibliographical references; this should be placed between round brackets in the text (e.g. L. Ferrajoli, 1990). A distinction should be drawn between writings by the same author published in the same year by adding letters after the year of publication, both in the text and in the bibliography (e.g. Ferrajoli, 1990a; 1990b). At the end of the quotation provide in brackets the references to the specific pages of the source used (L. Ferrajoli, 1990, p. 234). 

Bold type and underlining should not be used. Bold type is only used for the articles and paragraph titles.

Italics should be used: to emphasise certain words or passages; for expressions in foreign languages (including Latin) adopted by the author (e.g. prima facie, nomos, etc.). 

Inverted commas are only used around quotations and not to single out a word for attention in a phrase (in that case please use italics)

Omissions from quotations should be marked in round brackets: (…).

All references to footnotes in the text should be placed before the subsequent punctuation mark.

Articles and paragraph titles are never followed by a full stop.

Acronyms must all be written starting with a capital letter, without stops (e.g Onu, not O.N.U.)

In names consisting of more than one word other than acronyms, a capital letter should  be used only for the first word or letter (e.g. Constitutional court).

Tables and figures should be numbered and should be referred to in the text. They should  be sent in separated files. 


Bibliographical references

The complete reference list of the authors comes at the end of the article and consists of an unnumbered section sorted alphabetically according to their last name; for each author follow the year of publication of his works, as follows: 



Ferrajoli Luigi (1990), Diritto e ragione. Teoria del garantismo penale, Roma-Bari: Laterza.


In case of more books of the same author in the same year:

Ferrajoli Luigi (1990a), …

Ferrajoli Luigi (1990b), …


In the case of books available in several editions, the year of the first edition should be mentioned between square brackets in the bibliography after the name of the Author:

Beccaria Cesare (1764), Dei delitti e delle pene, 2003, Milano: Feltrinelli.



Ceretti Adolfo e Giasanti Alberto (1996), (ed.), Governo dei giudici, Milano: Feltrinelli.


Essays by one or more authors contained in a collective work:

Salento Angelo (2009), Pierre Bourdieu. La socioanalisi del campo giuridico, in Giuseppe Campesi - Ivan Populizio - Nicola Riva (ed.), Diritto e teoria sociale. Introduzione al pensiero socio-giuridico contemporaneo, Roma: Carocci.



De Leonardis Ota (2009), Verso un diritto dei legami sociali? Sguardi obliqui sulle metamorfosi della penalità, in Studi sulla questione criminale, IV:15-40.


Internet sources should be cited as follows: (accessed 21 April 2020)


Each article, including footnotes and references section, should not exceed 35.000 characters (including spaces). 

The Author must produce an abstract (no more than 1,000 characters) followed by between 3 and up to a maximum of 5 keywords.



Graphic rules


Paragraph titles must be enumerated and ordered without exceeding 3 subparagraph (e.g. 3.1; 3.2; 3.3).


Uses only the method of references to the bibliography at the end of the article when listing bibliographical references; this should be placed between round brackets in the text (e.g. L. Ferrajoli, 1990). 

A distinction should be drawn between writings by the same author published in the same year by adding letters after the year of publication, both in the text and in the bibliography (e.g. Ferrajoli, 1990a; 1990b). 

At the end of the quotation provide in brackets the references to the specific pages of the source used (L. Ferrajoli, 1990, p. 234). 


Bold type and underlining should not be used. Bold type is only used for the articles and paragraph titles.


Italics should be used:


  1. to emphasise certain words or passages;

  2. 2. for expressions in foreign languages (including Latin) adopted by the author (e.g. prima facie, nomos, etc.).

Inverted commas are only used around quotations and not to single out a word for attention in a phrase (in that case please use italics)


Omissions from quotations should be marked in round brackets: (…).


All references to footnotes  in the text should be placed before the subsequent punctuation mark.


Articles and paragraph titles are never followed by a full stop.


Acronyms must all be written starting with a capital letter, without stops (e.g Onu, not O.N.U.)


In names consisting of more than one word other than acronyms, a capital letter should  be used only for the first word or letter (e.g. Constitutional court).


Tables and figures should be numbered and should be referred to in the text. They should  be sent in separated files. 



Bibliographical references


The complete reference list of the authors comes at the end of the article and consists of an unnumbered section sorted alphabetically according to their last name; for each author follow the year of publication of his works, as follows: 



Ferrajoli Luigi (1990), Diritto e ragione. Teoria del garantismo penale, Roma-Bari: Laterza.


In case of more books of the same author in the same year:

Ferrajoli Luigi (1990a), …

Ferrajoli Luigi (1990b), …


In the case of books available in several editions, the year of the first edition should be mentioned between square brackets in the bibliography after the name of the Author:

Beccaria Cesare (1764), Dei delitti e delle pene, 2003, Milano: Feltrinelli.



Ceretti Adolfo e Giasanti Alberto (1996), (ed.), Governo dei giudici, Milano: Feltrinelli.


Essays by one or more authors contained in a collective work:

Salento Angelo (2009), Pierre Bourdieu. La socioanalisi del campo giuridico, in Giuseppe Campesi - Ivan Populizio - Nicola Riva (ed.), Diritto e teoria sociale. Introduzione

al pensiero socio-giuridico contemporaneo, Roma: Carocci.



De Leonardis Ota (2009), Verso un diritto dei legami sociali? Sguardi obliqui sulle metamorfosi della penalità, in Studi sulla questione criminale, IV:15-40.


Internet sources should be cited as follows: (accessed 21 April 2020)